
Newsletter March 2017

Dear Sponsors

We, the members of the Lotti Latrous Foundation, our personals, our children, our patients in Grand-Bassam wish you all a happy and blessed New Year.

For us the New Year started off with a gift – as we made it- we have shifted to our new small village – our new domicile, where 25 children, 18 patients find care and protection. Now we also have two chickens, a cock and a cat. Above all there are happy noises of the children from the large garden, where old mango, banana and avocado trees grow. At Adjouffou we were awaken from the noises of the old taxis trying to start up and the aircrafts of the nearby airport blessed us with their kerosene, which polluted and clogged our lungs. Here in Grand-Bassam we have a wonderful weavers-pair, who wake us up before 6 o’clock with their wonderful chirping. We even have two free living parrots, who have built their nest here. We have clean air. The youngsters told me:

“Madame Lotti, this feeling here must be a pre-taste of the heaven…“

Newsletter June 2016

Dear Sponsors

First of all I would like to tell you about the progress of the construction work, namely very well. My husband Aziz is making the buildings shoot out of the ground just like mushrooms after rainfall. Last time I promised you to tell you about our children having cancer. I shall postpone this up to the next trimester-Newsletter. During the last months I was confronted with 3 cases of fates, which touched me deeply, but made me be thankful for being able to be here and do what fulfils me most. That is the reason why this time I decided to tell you the stories of these 3 persons.