Greetings from Davila
I sincerely hope that everything is going well with you. I myself am very happy being able to write to you once again and to provide you some good news. Davila, who was brought to us almost six months ago being fatally ill and about whom I wrote in the last quarterly NewsLetter, is feeling better - which is a miracle. She is happy as she can now spend days and nights with the other kids.. She has her small bed with those of the older kids and if everything goes well we can start her schooling soon.
Dear Sponsors
I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the wonderful spring, just like I did. This year at that time I was in
Geneva for a short while and was allowed to experience the waking-up of the nature. It feels my
heart with joy to experience the life here but time to time I am also sad. Why not all the people in the
world can have such happiness, why not everyone can enjoy such beauties, why millions of people
are not able to be so happy at least for one day, as we are in the West for whole of our lives? Why
have we clean water from taps, enough to eat, shoes in the right sizes, clothes for every weather
condition, schools for our children, readily available medical care and peace - why millions and
millions don’t have these? Dear Sponsors, all these make me very sad and I am endlessly thankful to
you for your support, with which we can help thousands, so that at least they receive the minimum
to live a life with dignity.
Dear Sponsors
Quite a bit late, still I wish all of you good health for 2018 from bottom of my heart; but above all wishing that you never lose Hope; the Hope that world will become peaceful, most of all for those, who are suffering at the moment. It is the hope which makes it possible for us to think that everything will come out well.